This website is run by 1st North Springfield Scout Group.
Copyright information - ©2013-2014 - 1st North Springfield Group
The Site contains some material which belongs wholly to First North Springfield Scout Group (fnssg) and is for sole use of its member Scouts, Cubs and Beavers and their families. Material must not be sold, reproduced or repeated in any other form, either in full or in part without prior written permission of the Copyright holder.
Materials which come under this heading include forms, photographs, images and letters. If you have genuine reason to use any of these materials, permission must first be obtained from the group, by contacting us.
The Group was formed in January 1980 with the development of the Springfield housing estate. At that time the group consisted of a Cub Pack and Scout Troop. The Pack had ten boys and the Troop six. They met at a local School and for some eight years the Group Scout Leader also acted as the Scout Leader.
The first Scout Troop summer camp took place in August of that year on the island of Guernsey. A few years later another Cub Pack was formed and in 1996 the Beavers section was formed.
Since those early days the group has developed. We now have approximately 100 members with a Leadership team of up to 20. Although the size of the Group has changed, the Group continues to deliver a varied an exciting programme for all ages.
We have excellent links with businesses, schools and other charities and organisations in the local community and take part in fundraising initiatives.
We encourage our parents and supports to take an active part in our group through group events and socials. We also have an executive committee which parents are encouraged to join to help develop the group and provide maximum benefit to the young people.
Our current sections
The group is made up of the following:
Beavers Scout Colony - 6-8years
Cubs Scout Scarlet pack - 8-10½ years
Cubs Scout Royal pack - 8-10½ years
Scout Troop - 10½ - 14
PIES Explorers Scout Unit - 14-18 years
As from September 2002 the unit are using the new programme as developed by the Scout Association.
The new programme has meant the introduction of a new section, Explorer Scouts, for those aged 14-18.
Introduction to Explorers
To anyone who hasn’t tried Scouting before, We’d say come on up and have a go! We think that most people don’t really know that Scouting is about activities, friendship and meeting people from other countries.
Explorers are the fourth section of the Scouting movement. Right from the time of Baden-Powell, there have been arrangements for young people who wanted to continue after their time in the Scout Section, and in 1967, Venture Scouts were formed from the existing Senior Scout and Rover Scout Sections.
During the late 1990s we decided that, to meet the changing needs of young people, there should be two sections for the over-14s: Explorer Scouts for 14 to 18-year-olds, and the Scout Network for 18 to 25s.
International Scouting
Its international aspect gives Scouting a special appeal, and many Scouts now travel abroad during their time in the section. In 2007, 40,000 Scouts from around the world attended the World Jamboree in the UK, and Scouts regularly participate in international camps and experiences both on home soil and abroad, each of them a unique experience in its own right.