
This website is run by 1st North Springfield Scout Group.

Copyright information - ©2013-2014 - 1st North Springfield Group

The Site contains some material which belongs wholly to First North Springfield Scout Group (fnssg) and is for sole use of its member Scouts, Cubs and Beavers and their families. Material must not be sold, reproduced or repeated in any other form, either in full or in part without prior written permission of the Copyright holder.

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1st North Springfield FNSSG - Chelmsford Essex UK
© 2002-2016 All rights reserved - Website by R Copeland

Boys & Girls of all Faiths

Beavers (6yrs to 8yrs) – Meet Thursday evenings between 5:30pm and 7:00pm

'The best thing we did was swim in the rain. I wasn't even sure we were allowed to, but it was brilliant! I mean we were wet anyway, so I guess it didn't matter too much about the weather.'

Beaver Scouts are the youngest section of the Scouting family. Their activities are based around making things, outdoor activities, singing, playing games, going out on visits, investigating nature, listening to stories, learning how to be safe and most importantly, making new friends.

Beavers are usually aged between six and eight years old, though they can be as young as five and three quarters.

The colony accepts girls as well as boys


Our beaver colony is very popular so we have to operate a waiting list. We recommend that you get your son / daughter’s name on the waiting list at the earliest opportunity by contacting us using the form on this page. The number and age of those on the waiting list will determine how you may have to wait for a place.


A group of Beaver Scouts is called a Colony, and each Colony can be split up into smaller groups called Lodges.

Beavers have a Promise and Motto, but there is not a Beaver Scout Law.

The Beaver Scout Promise:
Options are available for other faiths

I promise to do my best

To be kind and helpful

And to love God.

The Beaver Scout Motto

Be prepared

Parent Documents A Promise for all Faiths